Cooperation & certification
ISO 9001 certified
Valto has been ISO 9001 certified since 12 October 2015. ISO 9001 is an international quality management standard. It is used to assess whether an organisation meets their customers’ requirements, adheres to the relevant laws and regulations, and meets the standards set by the organisation itself. If a company is ISO certified, it means that it has met all the specified requirements.
CDG certified
Valto is in possession of the CDG certificate. (CDG stands for Certificatie Distributie in Gewasbeschermingsmiddelen, or Distribution Certification for Crop Protection Products). Since 1 January 2010, companies that trade in professional crop protection products must comply with the Algemeen Verbindend Verklaring (AVV, meaning a generally binding declaration) of the CDG certification scheme and be listed in the Stichting CDG registry. For more information: www.stichtingcdg.nl.
Collaboration with Artemis
Valto is a member of Artemis, the professional association of producers and distributors of biological control agents, pollinators and crop protection of natural origin.
Member of the Club of 100
The aim of the Wageningen University & Research Club of 100 is to constantly update knowledge and research in the greenhouse horticulture industry. Valto contributes to this and is therefore a member of this club.
Member of IBMA
IBMA stands for International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association and represents manufacturers of biocontrol solutions. Valto is also involved in this field and is a member of the IBMA.
Partner of Tomatoworld
Valto is a partner of Tomatoworld, the information and education center for Dutch greenhouse horticulture. They show how the knowledge, innovation and technologies of the horticultural sector contribute to solutions to the world food issue.
Participant of World Horti Center
Valto is a participant in the World Horti Center, the knowledge and innovation center of the international greenhouse horticulture sector, where business, education, research and government innovate, connect, inspire and share knowledge together.
Member of LTO Noord
We are a member of LTO Noord, the association of farmers and horticulturists. They form the link between the members, the government, society and the business community and take the lead in the development of the sector.
Cooperation with Koppert Biological Systems
In 2018 Valto entered into a partnership with Koppert Biological Systems to sell V10 worldwide. Valto remains responsible for the sales and distribution of the V10 in the Netherlands, while the distributor does the same in the rest of the world. Valto continues to be closely involved in this and offers support wherever necessary.